IMCF Executive Director Attends NVOAD Conference
Caring for Our Communities: Disaster Preparedness for Older Adults and Caregivers. Speaker(s): Justin Knighten, Marcus Coleman, Dr. Jennifer Olsen
Plenary Luncheon Keynote: Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, Feeding America
Our very own Cynthia Calmenson was awarded an Empowering Inclusion scholarship to attend, along with 850 members, the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster Conference May 6 - 9, 2024.
Founded over 50 years ago, the National VOAD is an association of organizations that mitigate and alleviate the impact of disasters, provides a forum promoting cooperation, communication, coordination and collaboration; and fosters more effective delivery of services to communities affected by disaster. Guided by the core principles of the 4Cs — cooperation, communication, coordination, and collaboration — National VOAD Members provide the leadership that builds strong, resilient communities and delivers hope in times of need.
Cynthia attended several NVOAD committee meetings (Long-term Recovery; Disaster Health, Disaster Case Management), networking sessions, as well as subject matter expert workshops including ‘Caring for our Communities: Disaster Preparedness for Older Adults and Caregivers (pictured left.) This particular workshop focused on the importance of including caregivers in family disaster preparedness, developing personal plans, local support, and integrating caregiver-focused disaster strategies. Cynthia met and networked with expert leaders, and was particularly captivated by Claire Babineaux-Fontenot of Feeding America (pictured below.)
IMCF and Cynthia are grateful to the NVOAD conference and to Walmart for funding the Empowering Inclusion scholarships. We look forward to incorporating the valuable resources and information into the Imagine You Project.
Scholarship Recipients