Kate Scowsmith

Kate Scowsmith is a social worker and educator with extensive experience in disaster case

management, social work education, and community recovery initiatives. Additionally, her

background in social work includes home health and hospice, student health, grief and

bereavement. Kate began a meaningful partnership with Imagine You during her work as a

Disaster Case Management Systems Facilitator for the Camp Fire Collaborative. The Imagine

You program would be an important asset for disaster case managers, volunteers, and so many

other “helpers” who would need the support and tools of the IY program while working Camp

Fire recovery. Prior to earning her Masters in Social Work, Kate also earned an MA in Women

and Gender Studies abroad in the United Kingdom. As a mentor and problem solver, Kate

enjoys nurturing environments that promote creative solutions and teamwork. As a lecturer and

public speaker, she is dedicated to sharing knowledge and fostering an understanding of mental

health and community involvement. Kate is dedicated to the growth and blossoming of

individuals reaching their goals while also investing in systems that help providers and service

recipients flourish. Kate is a mom and tries to take care of herself through art, catering,

propagating plants and future gazing.