Windsor High School Teens

This year 175 Windsor High School students developed their own, personalized Image of Health in our Imagine YOU® workshops. They each created an Image that represents why they they want to be healthy. These Junior and Senior students are exploring health careers. They learned first-hand about the connection between health goals and their own motivation and healthy habit formation.

Surveying the teens after three months, here is what some of them had to say:

I put it in my binder as an image to help remind me why I need to keep pushing through school…I want to get to the place I drew.
— Anonymous Student
I think it helps really imagine and realize that your life could ultimately be up to you and your actions that you decide to make.
— Anonymous Student
I think other high school and possibly middle school students would like to do the Imagine You activity.
— Anonymous Student

Imagine You Workshop for Foster Parents and Kinship Guardians


Santa Rosa Junior College Kinship and Foster Care Conference