Merrill Vargo, Ph.D


Board Secretary

Merrill Vargo is an artist and retired nonprofit CEO who works with nonprofit leaders seeking to build the sustainable business models and strong organizational cultures that will enable them to make a difference in their communities. She earned a PhD in English literature from Cornell University and taught English in a variety of innovative settings. Her interest in education policy led her to leadership positions with the California Institute for School Improvement and at the California Department of Education, where she served as a Division Director and was responsible for the implementation of ground-breaking legislation including school restructuring and charter schools. As the founder of the Bay Area School Reform Collaborative (BASRC), which subsequently became Pivot Learning Partners, she raised over $100 million and built a nonprofit school reform organization that served a network of approximately 65 school districts across California that touched the lives of over 2 million children in California.. Currently Dr. Vargo serves on the boards and/or works as a coach and consultant with nonprofit organizations focusing on issues including mental health, disaster recovery, the environment, and education. Her interest in organizations and approaches that empower people to take charge of their own lives led to her current role on the Board of the Integrative Medical Care Foundation (IMCF) where she is a strong supporter of the Imagine You program.