Annie Barbour

Board Member

Annie is a 2017 Tubbs Fire Survivor from Coffey Park in Santa Rosa, Ca. Seeing the challenges in the rebuild process she became a board member of Coffey Strong and then progressed to the position of Vice President. Coffey Strong became a model for other neighborhood recovery groups and is shared widely and freely so that others can continue to add to the knowledge. Seeing the value of United Policyholders, a nonprofit that stepped in and helped people navigate their insurance after a disaster, she began to volunteer for them. In 2020 she was hired as the NorCal Coordinator so she could continue to advocate for survivors. Learning about the challenges that people experience after a traumatic event and having experienced it herself, propelled her to learn more about that aspect of recovery.

Annie joined the ICMF board in early 2022. She is hopeful that this work will bring tools and healing for those working with survivors and those that are survivors.